STEPS FOR STARTING AND SETTING UP ECLIPSE ----------------------------------------- 1) When running Eclipse for the first time, choose a location for your workspace. The default location that I currently have set up for Lab 279 at Redwood is "H:\Eclipse Workspace", and unless told otherwise, you should use that location. If the workspace folder does not already exist, it will be created. 2) Once Eclipse starts, click on the "X" in the "Welcome" tab near the top of the window to close the "Welcome" frame. 3) Click on the "Maximize" (middle) button in the upper-right corner of the window so that the Eclipse program fills your screen. 4) On the right side of your screen, click on the "X" next to "Connect Mylyn". 5) Also on the right side of your screen, click on the two "Minimize" buttons to minimize both the "Task List" and "Outline" panels. 6) At this point, open the file named "Steps for Setting Eclipse Preferences" and follow, in order, all of the directions in that file. Then return to this file and complete the steps below. 7) Go to File --> New --> Java Project. 8) In the "Project name:" field, type the project name given to you by the instructor. 9) In the "JRE" section, select the option that begins with "Use default JRE...". 10) Do not change any other settings; click on the "Finish" button. 11) [*** Check with the instructor before completing this step.] To create a package, right-click on the PROJECT name (in the panel on the left) and go to New --> Package. The package name should be in all lowercase letters and must not contain any spaces. 12) To create a class, right-click on the PACKAGE name (in the panel on the left) and go to New --> Class (if using the "default package", right-click on "src"). The class name should start with an uppercase letter and must not contain any spaces. Under "Which method stubs would you like to create?", check the box in front of "public static void main(String[] args)", and make sure the other two checkboxes are UNchecked. Do not change any other settings; click on the "Finish" button. The class name will become the file name (plus ".java") for your program. 13) Press Ctrl+F11 (press the "F11" key while holding down the "Ctrl" key) to run your program. A "Save and Launch" box will appear. Check the box in front of "Always save resources before launching" and then click on the "OK" button. 14) [*** Check with the instructor before completing this step.] To add a JAR (.jar) file to the project, first move (or copy) the JAR file into the root of the workspace folder created above. Then, right click on the PROJECT name (in the panel on the left) and go to Build Path --> Add External Archives... and then (if necessary) navigate to the JAR file and select it. It should appear in the "Referenced Libraries" section within the project (in the panel on the left). 15) Click on the "X" in the very upper-right of the window to close Eclipse. If a "Confirm Exit" box appears, check the box in front of "Always exit without prompt" and then click on the "OK" button.