Python Classwork #4 (CalculateNumberStats)
04) Write a Python program that allows the user to enter any
    number of integers.  The user should press ENTER on a line by
    itself to indicate that he/she is finished entering numbers.
    Then, the program should compute and report the average, range,
    and median of the integers entered by the user.  If necessary,
    round computed values to two decimal places.  If the user does
    not enter any numbers, display an appropriate message (instead
    of computed values).  The output from your program should look
    exactly like the example output shown below.  You do not need
    to perform any error trapping for the user input, and you may
    put all code into the main area of the program.  This program
    should not import or use any external functions.

    Example Program Run #1
    Please enter an integer (ENTER by itself to quit): 4
    Please enter an integer (ENTER by itself to quit): 3
    Please enter an integer (ENTER by itself to quit): 5
    Please enter an integer (ENTER by itself to quit): 6
    Please enter an integer (ENTER by itself to quit): 5
    Please enter an integer (ENTER by itself to quit): 5
    Please enter an integer (ENTER by itself to quit): 2
    Please enter an integer (ENTER by itself to quit): 

    The average of the 7 number(s) that you entered is 4.29.
    The range of the entered numbers is 4.
    The median of the numbers is 5.

    Example Program Run #2
    Please enter an integer (ENTER by itself to quit): 17
    Please enter an integer (ENTER by itself to quit): -6
    Please enter an integer (ENTER by itself to quit): 

    The average of the 2 number(s) that you entered is 5.5.
    The range of the entered numbers is 23.
    The median of the numbers is 5.50.

    Example Program Run #3
    Please enter an integer (ENTER by itself to quit): 25
    Please enter an integer (ENTER by itself to quit): 

    The average of the 1 number(s) that you entered is 25.
    The range of the entered numbers is 0.
    The median of the numbers is 25.

    Example Program Run #4
    Please enter an integer (ENTER by itself to quit): 

    You did not enter any numbers.

    In addition to computing the average, range, and median of
    the entered integers, also compute and display the standard
    deviation of the numbers.

    Convert each of the (base 10) integers to base 2 (binary).
    Display the base 2 numbers neatly in a table in the same
    order in which they were entered by the user.