Python Classwork #8 (WordGuessingGame)
08) For this project you will work in pairs.  One of you should create a new
    Replit and then share it with the other student.  To receive credit for
    this assignment, both partners must write code for this program.

    This assignment requires that you write a "word guessing" game where the
    computer randomly chooses a five-letter word, after which the player tries
    to guess the word.

    The player is allowed a total of ten guesses.  For each guess the player
    chooses a five-letter "word", and the computer responds to the player's
    guess by giving two clues.  The computer first tells the player how many
    letters of the player's guess are both the correct letters and in their
    correct positions.  The computer then tells the player how many letters
    are correct, but in the wrong positions.  Note that the computer never
    specifies which letters or positions are correct.

    The computer-chosen five-letter words are to be selected randomly from a
    word file (provided by the instructor) and read into the computer's memory
    when your program first starts.  The file contains over 12,000 five-letter
    words, and it is your job to go through the file and remove words that you
    do not know or that you do not want to remain as part of the list.  Note
    that you are required to remove all words containing repeating letters so
    that each word remaining in the list consists of five different letters.

    While the computer must choose valid five-letter English words that are
    not proper nouns, the player is allowed to guess any sequence of five
    letters for each guess.  After ten guesses, if the user has not been able
    to determine the computer-chosen word, display the word to the user.