Python Classwork: Sentence Stats
    Write a Python program named "" that has the user
    enter a sentence (with a "sentence" considered to be any combination
    of one or more words).

    Then report to the user the following information:
      1) How many words are in the sentence
      2) How many vowels are in the sentence
      3) How many consonants are in the sentence
      4) How many non-letter characters (numbers, spaces, punctuation)
         are in the sentence
      5) How many uppercase letters are in the sentence
      6) How many lowercase letters are in the sentence
      7) The shortest word in the sentence
      8) The longest word in the sentence

    When determining #1, #7, and #8 above, consider a word to be any
    combination of characters that has a space on either or both sides.
    The one exception is if the user enters only one word (no spaces).

    For #7 and #8 above, if there are multiple shortest/longest words
    of the same length, display all of them.

    Unlike your previous Python assignments, you must use a separate
    function to get your user input, as well as separate functions for
    each of the eight tasks above.  The "main" area of your program
    should consist almost exclusively of variable declarations and
    calls to the individual functions.

    As always, all of your code must be your own, written entirely by
    you.  You may not import or use any external functions, including
    the Python 'min' and 'max' commands.  You may, however, use global
    variables in your program.  Your program's output should be neat,
    organized, and easy to read/understand.

    After displaying the information described above, tell the user
    if the sentence is a palindrome.  A palindrome is a letter, word,
    or phrase that, after removing spaces and punctuation (everything
    that is not a letter), and ignoring case, is identical when
    displayed forwards and backwards.  For example, the following are
    all considered to be palindromes:
      Lewd did I live, & evil I did dwel.
      Straw? No, too stupid a fad, I put soot on warts.

    After displaying the information described above, convert each
    word in the sentence to Pig Latin.  The Pig Latin conversion
    rules are as follows:
      First Pig Latin rule: If the word does not contain any vowels
      (a-A-e-E-i-I-o-O-u-U), just add "ay" to the end of the word.

      Second Pig Latin rule (to be followed only if the first rule
      does not apply): If the first letter in the word is a vowel,
      just add "yay" to the end of the word.

      Third Pig Latin rule (to be followed only if the above two rules
      do not apply): Move all leading consonants to the back of the
      word, and then add "ay" to the end of the new word.

      Final Pig Latin rule (to be followed after the above third rule):
      If the original word started with a capital letter, make it
      lowercase and instead capitalize the first letter of the new word.

    For example, if the original sentence is
      Why do they think you and Sheena should return immediately?
    then the Pig Latinated sentence is
      Whyay oday eythay inkthay ouyay andyay Eenashay ouldshay eturnray immediately?yay

    This option may be completed along with, or instead of, the above
    advanced option.